Our Vision

We have reimagined the way people can correct their smile.

We plan to disrupt the aligner market by offering millions of people a revolutionary alternative to traditional aligners that can be easily be provided by GP Dentists as well as Orthodontists.

We believe that people do not need to change their lifestyle to correct their smile as they are required to do with existing aligner solutions. Rather, they can get a perfect smile discreetly and hassle-free even while they sleep.

Our team

Our executive team has decades of experience in funding, growing, and managing high-tech companies, medical device ventures, and pharmaceutical enterprises. Throughout their careers, they have contributed to generating billions of dollars in shareholder value in both public and private markets.

The Dror development team consists of skilled AI software engineers and medical device developers. Many of our team members have extensive experience from active duty in various Israeli Intelligence Units, as well as backgrounds in medical device hardware development and orthodontic science and innovation.

Additionally, our company is supported by some of the most elite leaders in the orthodontic innovation community and experts in regulatory matters concerning the FDA, CE, and other regulatory entities.

The Market Opportunity

Malocclusion is one of the most prevalent clinical dental conditions in the world, affecting approximately 60% to 75% of the global population. It is estimated that there are approximately 500 million people globally with malocclusion who could benefit from straightening their teeth.

According to a 2022 study conducted by Precedent Research, the global clear aligners market size was estimated at $6.29 billion in 2022 and is expected to surpass around $46.3 billion by 2030, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.34% during the period 2022 to 2030.

However, most people afflicted by malocclusion do not seek orthodontic treatment due to a number of reasons, including negative perceptions of aligners, metal braces, affordability of treatment, and accessibility to doctors in certain markets and geographies.

Currently, only 4.4% of the market seeks treatment for a number of reasons, including negative perceptions of aligners, metal braces, affordability of treatment, and accessibility to orthodontists in certain markets and geographies.

Our Platform seeks to address this large and underserved global market by offering a discreet, less intrusive and less painful treatment alternative to available clear aligners and traditional orthodontic treatments. Our Platform is optimized to correct malocclusions that relate to the “social six,” which are the front upper six and lower six teeth. We believe that at least 30% of those who currently seek treatment, or 6.6 million people, could benefit from using Zsmile to correct their smiles. According to the Precedence Research study, by 2028, the market for clear aligners will surpass 22 million people, which is our total addressable market.